The isle of death

I saw a post on Facebook today. The photo attached to it was of a cow restrained in a slaughter house, blood running down it’s white face, it’s eyes closed as it winced in pain. Blood splattered walls, other cows who had already met the hands of it’s killer hung upside down in the background.

It chilled me to my bones. Turned my stomach. Then I decided to read the post that went with the photo. It was an extract from this book about the horrific treatment of animals in some US slaughter houses. I felt the blood drain from my face as I read it and I started feeling sick.

As a vegetarian I believe it is completely not necessary to kill animals for food. It’s selfish – who are we to decide we can kill these innocent animals just to satisfy our taste. We no longer need to eat meat as you can have a completely balanced diet without consuming meat.

What we do to animals is sick – electrocute them, knock them out, shoot them, drain their blood, cut them into pieces, mince them, discarding the bits we don’t “need”. We then place pieces of their bodies into various packets to display in meat isles – what an attractive display it makes too. Cows, pigs, chickens, lambs.. all on display in the isle of death in almost every supermarket. People casually picking up these bits of flesh to cook and eat.


What the book tells us about –  is even more disturbing and horrific. Some sadistic, sick people torture the animals in the slaughter house. “I cut of a hog’s nose, just sliced it off, then grabbed a handful of salt and rubbed it in to it’s nose. It was squealing. Then I grabbed more salt and shoved it up it’s backside. It didn’t know whether to shit it’s self or go blind” … The words of one of the workers in these torture houses. They also talk of animals not being stunned correctly – shoving the rods up animals backsides, through their eyes, down their throats. Some animals are still alive when they are hung up with meat hooks. Still alive when their skin is peeled off. Still alive when they start to cut them up.

It’s disgusting they way some humans treat animals.They are living creatures like you and me and do not deserve such abhorrent treatment.

I’m vegetarian, others are vegan. You can help stop this awful treatment of innocent animals. Go veggie, go vegan. Together we can make a difference.